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13414 Firebrick Drive
Representing Buyer

Client Experience Rating Survey Results
Client Name: Patrick Culver
Transaction: 13414 Firebrick Drive
Survey Sent Date: 09/22/2018 02:04 PM
Survey Completed: 09/22/2018 02:06 PM

Overall Rating
Rating Details
Competency Explained the process clearly, ensured paperwork was correct, used technology efficiently, negotiated effectively, exhibited attention to detail, represented and protected my interests
Market Knowledge Exhibited knowledge of the real estate market, the neighborhood and community
Communication Updated me regularly, responded in a timely manner, communicated with me in the way I wanted
My Experience Understood my needs, gave me personal attention, made me feel valued as a client, was on time and prompt
Client Comments
Patrick Culver said,
"Great to work with! Always knowledgeable and on top of every detail!"